I have been meaning to put this post up for a while but never got around to it, so apologies! I finished my 2nd semester and I earned another certificate as well: The ITIL4 Foundation cert! I might post more about ITIL later but will see if I can manage the time to.
Another thing happened as well. It’s a small change but has had a big impact to my every day life activities. I’ve been switching between note taking apps over the years and I realized I needed to stick with one especially now since I started my blog and have been taking note taking seriously since starting at my university. Anyway, the one I ended up sticking with is: https://obsidian.md/. I tried this a few years ago when it first came out but overlooked it. Since then they have updated and added a lot! Also, it’s free and there are plenty of add-ons, so check it out if you are in the same boat as me.
Anyway, on to this very short but fun lab from TryHackMe. This lab is the Network Services lab, created by PoloMints: Here is the link if you wish to follow along: https://tryhackme.com/r/room/networkservices. Since this lab was so short, I decided to work this blog post a little differently.
In this lab we are dealing with File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It is a protocol that is used for remote transfer of files over a network. The standard port # for this is 21. It uses a client-server model to do this. I recommend this quick read from author Talia Nassi on a good explanation of the client/server model: https://www.linode.com/blog/cloud-computing/client-server-model-introduction/. I was aware of FTP and it’s usage but this lab dives deeper into it’s descriptions. FTP uses two channels, a command channel, which is used for “transmitting commands as well as replies to those commands” and a data channel, which “is used for transferring data”. The FTP server supports Active and/or Passive connection. With Action, it requires an active connection while Passive it passively connects. The FTP server may support either or both of these.
TryHackMe also links to this very detailed documentation: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt if you wish to learn more. That’s it for this lab. I have started another project too that I am super excited about. I will post more about that soon-ish so stay tuned! Take care!
That’s it for this lab. I have started another project too that I am super excited back. I will post more about that soon so stay tuned! Take care!